Italy Passport
Italy Visa
Italian Citizens Who Reside In The Consular District
Once the application for the re-issue or renewal of an Italian passport and the required documents are completed, the passport is generally processed within 15 days from the date of application.
Required documents:
Application form for the re-issue or renewal of a passport (the form is prepared directly by the Consular officer at the time of application);
Expired passport ;
If applying for a new passport, two recent photographs (colour or black and white, citizenship size); only 1 photograph is required when the existing passport ca be renewed;
If applying for your first passport, valid photo ID.
The applicant was not born in Italy
The birth abroad of an Italian child must be registered with the Italian City Hall where the parent transmitting Italian citizenship last resided.
Furthermore, male Italian citizens between the ages of eighteen and forty-five are required to settle their military position. Please note that these obligations are of a strictly administrative nature for those residing abroad.
It follows that, a passport applicant born outside of Italy must submit documentation pertaining to his or her birth – if never previously submitted – so that the Consulate can forward it to the appropriate Italian City Hall. If the applicant is male, he must also be enrolled and then exempted from military service . For more detailed information, please consult Vital Records (Birth) and Military (Enrollment in Canada).
The applicant has minor children (children under the age of eighteen)
When a parent of a minor child applies to have a passport re-issued or renewed, consent must be given by the other parent, regardless of whether the child’s name appears in the passport or not. Consent must be given in writing by attending at the Consulate in person with valid photo ID. If the other parent resides outside the Consulate’s jurisdiction, consent may be given at the Italian City Hall of residency or at the nearest Italian Consulate
If the parent of the minor child from whom consent is required, cannot or refuses to attend in person (particularly in cases of separation or divorce), the passport applicant is required to provide all documents related to the separation or divorce, as well as to the custody of the child. The address of the ex-spouse must be provided as well. The Consulate will then proceed to write to the ex-spouse to enquire about any valid reasons as to why the applicant’s passport should not be re-issued or renewed. After fifteen days, the Consul General is empowered to decide on the matter, based on the information provided. If the minor child resides in Italy, the matter is decided by a Judge of an Italian Court with jurisdiction.
Change of Marital or Family Status
Applicants who have married, had children or been widowed since the issue or renewal of their previous Italian passport, must provide documentation showing these changes (For more information please consult Vital Records).
Adding a Minor Child to a Parent’s Passport
The name of a minor child may be added to the passport of one parent or, upon request and in exceptional circumstances, to the passport of both parents. Minors who are sixteen or older must apply for their own passport and their name may not be added to the parents’ passports. (Please check The applicant is a minor).
Both parents must give their consent in person at the Consulate when requesting the addition of a minor child to their passport – regardless of whether the name is added to only one of the passports or, as mentioned earlier, in exceptional cases, to both. The parents must come to the Consulate with the child/children to be added on their passport showing, each parent, one valid photo ID. One recent photograph will be required for children under the age of ten. Children between the ages of ten and sixteen must submit two recent photographs (colour or black and white, citizenship size).
If the child was born outside Italy, it is necessary to register the birth in Italy before the child can be added to the passport (for more detailed information please check Vital Records: Birth). For this reason, if applying for a passport, please provide the child’s birth certificate so that the Consulate can forward it to the appropriate Italian municipality. (please consult Canadian Certificates and Documents: Where to request them to verify the format of the required certificates and the address of the issuing Offices). If the children were born neither in Canada nor Italy, please contact the Italian Consulate nearest to their place of birth.
Lost or Stolen Passports
The loss or theft of a passport must be reported to the Police. Application for a new passport may be submitted fifteen days later together with the following: proof that the incident was reported to the Police, valid photo ID, a birth certificate and, for those born outside Canada, proof of residency (“Landed Immigrant” paper). A statement relating to the loss or theft of the passport must also be completed at the Consulate.
Passports issued before August 15th, 1992 and not renewed by the Consulate General of Italy in Vancouver
If the previous passport was issued before August 15th, 1992, the applicant must submit a “search of citizenship records”, issued by the Canadian Authorities, attesting that the applicant has never acquired Canadian citizenship. On the other hand, if Canadian citizenship was acquired after August 15th, 1992, please provide a certificate of Canadian citizenship “long form”, indicating the date (day, month and year) of naturalisation. (Please consult Canadian Certificates and Documents: Where to request them to obtain the address of the appropriate issuing Office) .
The applicant is a minor (a child under the age of eighteen)
Both parents must give their consent when applying for the re-issue or renewal of a mior child’s passport. The parents and the child must attend in person at the Consulate with valid photo ID. If applying for a new passport, two recent photographs of the child are also required (colour or black and white, citizenship size).
If the minor child was not born in Italy, please check The applicant was not born in Italy on this same page.
The applicant is a permanent resident of the Consular District, but his or her previous passport was issued or renewed in Italy or in another country
In this case, the Consulate must request authorisation from the Office that last issued or renewed the passport (the Italian Questura or another Italian Consulate). The Consulate is empowered to decide if said office does not reply within thirty days.
Applying for a passport after re-acquiring Italian citizenship
An application for a new passport may be submitted four months after completing the citizenship re-acquisition process. The following documents are required: two recent photographs (citizenship size), the expired Italian passport or a police report about its loss or theft, and valid photo ID.
Italian Citizens Who Do Not Reside In The Consular District
Italian citizens who need their passaport to be renewed or re-issued while away from their place of residence, can apply to the nearest Italian Consulate. It should be noted, however, that in this instance that Consulate will be only representing the Italian authority (Questura or another Italian Consulate) to which the applicant should normally have applied according to his or her permanent address. For this reason, that Consulate must request permission from said authority before re-issuing or renewing the passport. The process cannot be completed until this authorisation is received.
For information on lost or stolen passports, please check “Lost or Stolen Passport”.
NB: The following application forms are only available for those who reside at a substantial distance (hundreds of kilometers) from Vancouver and from other Italian consular points (consular Agents and Correspondents) in British Columbia.
Passport issue / renewal application – Domanda rinnovo / rilascio passaporto
Lost / stolen passport statement – Denuncia furto/smarrimento passaporto
Consent forms – Atto di assenso
Italian citizens can apply for an Italian passport. An Italian passport is valid for ten years from the date of issue. It is possible to renew a passport prior to its expiry so as to extend the validity to ten years from the first date of issue. A brand new passport is necessary if the previous passport was issued ten years earlier. Applications for the re-issue or renewal of an Italian passport must be made in person. If you intend to use the passport to travel, make sure that you pay the annual tax.
The fee to have an Italian passport re-issued is approximately C$ 56. The fee to renew a passport is approximately C$ 48.
Although a passport is valid for five years, a tax should be paid at the beginning of each year if planning to travel. The fee is approximately C$ 48. Payment is on a cash basis and is required at the time of application. Personal cheques or credit cards will not be accepted.
N.B.: The above amounts are set initially in Euro (renewal fee Euro 30.99 and cost of booklet Euro 5.35) and then converted into local currency at the going exchange rate, which is reviewed, and when necessary, reset, every three months. For this reason, the above mentioned fees may vary slightly.
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