If you plan to travel to Japan in the future you should know that Japan is to introduce an electronic visa soon. If you’re worried that it would take too much time to apply for a visa and then wait for your application to get approval, don’t be! Getting an online visa to Japan for a short visit will not be as difficult as you may think.
What is an eVisa to Japan?
The government of Japan has started the much-needed initiative of eVisa to Japan with an online application process. eVisa is an electronic entry permit to enter Japan for a short-term visit. The Japanese government has announced the wish to introduce the facility of eVisa for specific countries. It will be a great convenience for travelers from all around the world who want to visit Japan.
It was announced to be functional from April 2020. However, the electronic visa initiative is delayed due to the heated wave of COVID-19 and its variants around the globe.
eVisa to Japan will be a single permit visa that allows you to enter the country’s boundaries for one time. The application process is online, and it eliminates the need to wait for your turn at the embassy. You can apply from the comfort of your home and receive your online visa via email.

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